For Consultations with the OECD Liaison Committee
(16 November 2001)
1. The tragic events of September 11th and their aftermath have produced
a situation of extraordinary political and economic uncertainty. The OECD
governments have the central responsibility for minimising the economic
and social damage from the crisis. But over and above the immediate economic
measures that are required to stave off a recession and meet humanitarian
needs it is essential that governments use the current situation to reflect
on globalisation and confront issues of global governance. Terrorism does
not only challenge open societies and democracy, it challenges the capacity
of governments to respond at the international level to agree and sustain
policies and actions over a long period of time. This re-examination of
globalisation and the need to regulate the process, if it is to be effective
and coherent must tackle the fundamental issues of rights, poverty and
2. The world’s largest economies were experiencing slowing growth even
prior to 11 September, and the shock of these events threatens to worsen
the world economic outlook. No one can accurately predict the medium term
implications; however, the forecasts of global economic growth have been
revised downwards, and there have already been several high profile bankruptcies
and hundreds of thousands of layoffs. In some countries more “flexible”
labour markets mean more rapid firing. The World Bank has announced that
it expects the number of those living in extreme poverty to increase by
an additional 10 million people and tens of thousands more children to
die world-wide. The three major industrialised economic regions risk a
synchronised recession. The downward spiral in the US continues and will
surely accelerate in the coming months. Europe is on the edge despite the
sanguine statements of the European Central Bank, while Japan is locked
in stagnation. Unemployment is rising across the OECD as a whole for the
first time since 1993.
3. The immediate economic challenge facing OECD policy makers must be
to undertake concerted economic measures to ensure that the world
does not tip further into recession. Concerted expansionary monetary policy
must continue. Finance ministers must work with central banks to respond
to the crisis with a coherent strategy. A co-ordinated and concerted fiscal
policy response should be based on programmes that can be speedily implemented,
assist workers specifically affected, have long-term positive structural
effects and are targeted at those most in need. Wage negotiations can also
support purchasing power and job creation. The co-ordination of these policies
can increase sorely needed consumer confidence and ultimately productive
4. Secondly now is the time to put in place a new development agenda
to eradicate world poverty, based on partnership between industrialised
and developing countries. This must embrace comprehensive development policies,
debt write-off, reform of the International Financial Institutions (IFI’s),
an issue of special drawing rights, significant increases in bilateral
aid, a new initiative on health and education. The new agenda must meet
the objectives of poverty reduction in developing countries while ensuring
that the rules of the global trade and investment systems give market access,
boost development prospects, and reinforce the work of the ILO to guarantee
core labour standards.
5. Thirdly Governments must develop more effective international
economic governance to manage and humanise the globalisation process.
This is one lesson that should not be forgotten from the events surrounding
the Genoa summit. A significant theme of the 2000 OECD Ministerial Council
was “shaping globalisation”. The OECD can directly contribute to the creation
of the necessary international rules to manage global markets. The developments
around the WTO Ministerial meeting reinforce the need for a rules based
multilateral system based on universally accepted social and environmental
norms and standards. The effective implementation and enforcement of the
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises must be a priority. The OECD
work on combating tax havens, eliminating money laundering and fighting
corruption must now be reinforced.
An Economic Stimulus to Counter the Recession and Deflation
6. While there is debate around the depth and breadth of the needed
policy response, it is noteworthy that many governments and some central
banks have already responded actively. The immediate policy priority must
be to ensure that economic and employment growth returns to the world economy.
Governments and central banks must be ready to undertake further concerted
monetary and fiscal expansion where necessary to respond to any worsening
of the economic and social outlook. The US Federal Reserve has already
responded. The ECB must follow that lead. In Japan an anti-deflation target
is needed, and it must be backed by appropriate monetary expansion. Reform
of the banking system is also a key component of any co-ordinated recovery
package for Japan.
7. Co-ordinated fiscal expansion will deliver more than unilateral government
action. The primary objective should be to support demand by focusing on
citizens who are at greatest risk. Any tax cuts must be targeted at families
most in need who will also be more likely to increase consumption. A major
increase in spending on welfare and active labour market policies is needed,
particularly in the US where the failings of welfare cuts are now being
exposed. Programmes that provide longer-term structural benefits must be
prioritised. Increased government investment can help offset the fall in
private business investment. Unmet needs exist that require investments
in infrastructure: transportation, public health care, education systems,
and environmental clean up – all of which will increase employment and
speed recovery. EU governments must allow the automatic stabilisers to
function and implement a co-ordinated European package of economic and
employment measures equivalent to one per cent of GDP. This should be compatible
with the so-called stability pact which must live up to its proper name
and become a real “Growth and Stability Pact”.
A New Development Agenda to Eradicate Poverty
8. Now is the time to forge ahead with a new development agenda that
focuses on the concerns of the poor, the unemployed and those who toil
on the margins of society as “informal” or unprotected workers. The goal
must be to ensure that all can participate in the development process.
Development must be based upon transparency, democracy, good governance
and respect of basic rights. The OECD countries must support this by taking
decisive action to implement the poverty alleviation and qualitative development
goals they have adopted especially the aim of halving world poverty by
2015. The fact that the number of poor has continued to increase indicates
that a much more substantial change in policies is necessary.
9. There must be a further round of debt relief to increase the number
of countries eligible for HIPC assistance and to augment the level of debt
write-off provided to such countries. Debt relief must not be at the expense
of Official Development Assistance which needs to be expanded. The
OECD countries, pitifully few of which have reached the UN recommendation
of allotting 0.7% of their GDP to ODA, must work towards attaining and
even surpassing this goal. It is significant that the OECD’s Poverty Reduction
Guidelines now include the need to enforce core workers’ rights included
in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Rights at Work and make clear commitments
to the ILO’s objective of “decent work”. The international institutions
must work together in a coherent way on a poverty eradication agenda.
Improving Economic Governance and the Regulation of Global Markets
10. Beyond these immediate points the policy setting agenda of the OECD
must be developed in the following key areas.
11. The strengthening of the Financial Action Task Force housed at the
OECD and the new focus of immediate action to track and block the funding
of terrorists are welcome. There should be a stronger strategic link with
this work and the OECD work to eliminate tax havens and harmful tax practices.
In addition to the damage done in undermining tax bases of other countries
through illegitimate competition, the status of tax havens encourages money
laundering. Tax havens are also the home of regimes operating Flags of
Convenience (FOCs) within the shipping industry. FOCs are undermining shipping
standards, endangering the lives, and health and safety of mariners, while
contributing to environmental disasters. It has also emerged that FOCs
may have been used as a front to register ships used to transfer terrorist
weapons and personnel around the world. The International Transport Federation
is working with TUAC and able to co-operate with the OECD in bringing a
halt to the worst excesses.
12. The events surrounding the WTO Ministerial meeting have shown that
there will be little public support for any negotiations if the agenda
places the interests of commerce ahead of the protection of core labour
rights and the environment. OECD governments must address a question that
is more fundamental than a launching of a Round and that is the need to
restore public faith in the multilateral system. Slowing growth, stunted
development prospects, the violation of workers’ rights, rising inequality,
and continuing financial instability have given far too many of the world’s
citizens little reason to believe that greater global integration improves
their, or their nation’s prospects. Global markets need enforceable rules
and those rules must include core workers’ rights as defined by the ILO.
Governments must build into the WTO a formal structure to advance trade
and core labour rights based on close co-operation with the ILO and other
international institutions. The WTO must also play a formal and active
role in the ILO’s work on the social dimension of globalisation. The OECD
has an important role to play through its Export Credit Group to contribute
to this and the broader question of sustainable development.
13. For too long the international “consensus” on corporate governance
promoted by the OECD was synonymous with privatisation, de-regulation,
and liberalisation. The work of the OECD Public Management Committee (PUMA)
has replaced de-regulation with the notion of quality regulation and even
re-regulation which is a positive change and should lead to an improvement
of public services. PUMA’s work should be promoted more within and outside
the Organisation. It should also be extended to include the issue raised
by TUAC and the Public Services International (PSI) on the new emerging
forms of public sector ownership and control, such as, not for profit stakeholder
trusts. The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, which include a chapter
on the role of stakeholders, were welcomed by TUAC as a platform upon which
to build. Subsequent work by the OECD and the World Bank to follow-up on,
and to promote the Principles has involved trade unions. This has provided
fora within which to conduct a constructive policy debate. Work to revise
the Principles is set to begin. A dedicated and resourced work programme
to extend and deepen the stakeholder chapter, with the full involvement
of the TUAC can play a key role in ensuring that the constructive framework
for discussion and debate continues. At the same time work is scheduled
to begin on the development of a set of corporate governance principles
for state owned assets. This work must take account of the needs of employees
and their trade unions. It should be informed by PUMA’s work on modern
regulatory structures and reform programmes.
14. OECD work on bribery and corruption both concerns corporate
accountability and the role of law as well as the intergovernmental framework
of governance. Where basic rights are denied and legal structures are weak,
bribery and corruption can easily flourish. TUAC, BIAC, the International
Chamber of Commerce and Transparency International have reached agreement
on the modalities of our engagement in the national level consultations
taking place to ensure the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention is applied in practice.
TUAC, in combination with our global union partners has created an international
trade union network to fight corruption. This network is working on a web
of initiatives, including the protection of “whistleblowers” who expose
corporate and public sector corruption. An OECD work programme on this
topic is urgently needed to prepare the way for the eventual incorporation
into the OECD Convention of a clause to protect “whistleblowers”.
15. The follow-up work on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
is at a crucial point as regards the credibility of the Organisation. Global
unions are actively promoting the Guidelines as an instrument of dialogue
between trade unions and corporations. Trade union sponsored conferences
and seminars have been held or are planned world-wide. We have sought to
ensure the effective enforcement of the Guidelines, and our affiliates
have brought cases to NCPs. We have also requested the CIME to hold discussions
on “horizontal” issues such as the role of the Guidelines in giving effect
to the ILO Resolution on Burma. TUAC has produced a “User’s Guide” on the
Guidelines for trade unions. This may also be helpful for NGO’s and others
interested in using the Guidelines. Some OECD governments are taking seriously
their individual responsibilities regarding the promotion and enforcement
of the Guidelines. However, too many remain inactive. Real progress remains
to be made in using the Guidelines to support the ILO Resolution on Burma.
And tangible progress also remains to be made on national and international
efforts to link the Guidelines to the granting of public subsidies, including
export credits.
16. If stable and sustained long-term growth is to be realised changes
must be made to the financial market architecture. Global unions
have put forward over the last five years a range of measures designed
to establish better regulation of international financial markets. These
- Improved fiscal and monetary policy co-ordination between
the emerging reserve currency blocks of the Dollar, Yen and Euro in order
to generate more stable parities, along with the progressive removal of
large long-term current account deficits and surpluses;
- Recognition of the right of states to control short-term foreign capital
inflows and outflows in the interest of domestic macro-economic stability;
- Binding international standards for the prudential regulation of financial
markets covering capital reserve standards, limits to short-term foreign
currency exposure, controls and certification on derivatives trading and
other forms of leveraged investment built in credit;
- Ensuring that banking systems are transparent and bound by effective
disclosure criteria;
- Improved information on currency flows, private debts and reserves;
- Serious examination of the implementation of an international tax
on foreign exchange transactions, more commonly known as the Tobin Tax,
as recommended by the UN “Copenhagen + 5” Conference (June 2000), and more
recently by some European governments. This could be linked to a possible
increase in Special Drawing Rights for developing countries.
17. For too long the debate over financial market reform has been
held behind closed doors by bankers and finance ministry officials. This
has prevented the voices of trade unions and the public in general from
being heard. The institutions charged with developing financial market
reforms remain closed to discussion with the labour movement and civil
society, though there are some tentative signs of opening from the new
managing director of the IMF. Labour must have a “place at the table” in
these debates. The OECD should work as a “bridge” to make this happen.
