Texte en français
April-May 1998
(Adopted by the TUAC Plenary Session, 16-17
April, 1997)
The Crisis of Globalisation
1. The Asian crisis is the most serious crisis that has faced the new
"global economy" that has emerged since the 1980's. Its implications go
far beyond financial markets revealing the deep structural flaws within
the multilateral system. Working people and their families are paying the
price for imbalanced approaches to globalisation reflected by the lack
of political and corporate accountability, the inadequacy of international
economic governance and the lack of adequate regulation of financial markets.
The crisis also risks spreading with a deflationary effect on the world
economy compounding the lack of balanced demand in the world economy.
2. The political and economic stakes facing policy makers are therefore
very high. The effective response to globalisation is neither to continue
the blind deregulation of the 1980's, nor to retreat to protectionism.
It must be to establish effective governance over markets, whether at a
local, national, regional or global level so as to develop a pro-growth,
pro-employment multilateral system. It must also be to manage change by
giving workers security and confidence in the change process. Fifty years
ago governments showed vision and leadership in establishing the Bretton
Woods Institutions after the Second World War. Today, the process of globalisation
demands that governments show vision and leadership to establish mechanisms
of governance to make sure that global markets deliver growing and widely
shared prosperity.
3. The G8 Ministers who attended the London Jobs Conference recognised
that trade unions are essential for making these initiatives work. The
existence of strong democratic unions is a required force for transparency
and accountability in business and government and ensuring the just distribution
of the fruits of growth. Guaranteeing basic worker rights on a global basis
and developing well functioning labour market and social security systems
are the starting point for managing change in a socially acceptable way.
4. The key governmental actors in the global economy, meeting at the
OECD Ministerial Council and Birmingham G8 Summit have to demonstrate collective
leadership and act quickly. They must:-
- implement a coordinated strategy which sustains global growth and
supports balanced domestic demand (§ 5-7);
- establish as a priority an International Commission to develop a new
financial architecture which is required to govern international capital
markets (§ 8-9);
- develop a social and democratic dimension to globalisation and move
decisively to ensure that core labour standards are guaranteed in the global
trade and investment system (§ 10-13);
- build on the principles established at the London G8 Jobs Conference
and implement a strategy for employability and social inclusion through
non discrimination, quality labour market policies, lifelong learning,
a partnership for workplace change, combating low pay, and the attenuation
of unemployment and poverty "traps" in social benefit systems (§ 14-15);
- implement a strategy for sustainable development (§ 16-17).
A Global Growth Strategy for Employment
5. As the fall out from the Asian crisis spreads, the prospects for
economic and employment growth rates remain uncertain and uneven across
the industrialised countries. Unemployment fell in some OECD countries,
but it still rose in ten countries to reach over 35 million in 1997. In
the United States job growth remains strong, but there remain greatly widened
income inequalities. In continental Europe the long awaited recovery is
now taking place, but substantial spare capacity remains. Japan's economy
meanwhile remains seriously depressed.
6. This is against a background of disinflation and sharply reduced
budget deficits. The burden of adjustment is falling on low and middle
income earners, the unemployed and their families, either through depressed
wages, and in-work insecurity or cuts in welfare and unemployment benefits.
Trade union collective bargaining strategies have given priority to employment
in many countries. There has been a decade of wage moderation. However,
depressed domestic spending power in many countries is too low to sustain
vigorous recoveries. Added to this the risk now facing the global economy
in the wake of the Asian crisis is deflation, with the IMF reducing its
forecasts for world GDP growth this year by 1.2 per cent. This represents
the difference between falling and rising unemployment in many OECD countries
and compounds the problem of low consumer confidence. Of a qualitatively
different order is the non-payment of wages for many millions of Russian workers, which is stalling both growth and structural
7. Coordinated action is therefore needed to establish and sustain above-trend
economic growth across the OECD. Governments attending the OECD Ministerial
Council and Birmingham Summit should move quickly to:-
- coordinate macroeconomic policies to achieve or maintain low real
interest rates to boost employment growth across the OECD, so as to maintain
the momentum of US growth, and ensure that EMU provides a platform to promote
the demand led growth in Europe necessary to meet the EU employment guidelines.
At the same time sustained tax cuts and increased public spending are needed
in Japan;
- broaden the objectives of central banks including the European Central
Bank to include the attainment of the maximum possible growth and employment
alongside low inflation;
- maintain and develop stable fiscal bases through avoiding negative
tax competition and so ensuring fair levels of taxation on capital and
profits, while switching the burden of taxation away from labour;
- accelerate infrastructure investment, and bring forward the trans-European
infrastructure programmes;
- improve on and accelerate the implementation of the "Heavily Indebted
Poorer Countries" initiative of the IMF and World Bank so as to bring genuine
debt relief for the world's poorest countries;
- in Russia, break out of the vicious circle of financial crisis leading
to the non-payment of wages, which leads to lost tax revenue and further
financial crisis.
An International Commission on International Financial Market Regulation
8. The Mexican peso crisis and the continuing aftershock of the Asian
financial crisis are stark reminders of the havoc that unregulated international
financial markets can bring. Systemic risk and contagion effects magnify
their potential to immediately transmit shocks around the world. Benefits
brought about by financial liberalisation are being swamped by the associated
economic, employment and social costs. Current austerity measures
in Asia implemented to "restore investors' confidence" are pushing economies
into recession.
9. Set against this the series of measures to promote financial market
stability called for and enthusiastically endorsed by Heads of State since
the 1994 Naples G7 Summit show clearly the inadequacies of the current approach. Neither the much heralded IMF "early warning system" nor the
Basle Committee's Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision have
had any impact on this most serious crisis of globalisation. This failure
proves the need for a new architecture to control the international financial
system and now is the time to design it. The February 1998 meeting of G7
Finance Ministers called for a "profound and broad ranging debate" on the
lessons of the crisis and the need to "strengthen the international monetary
system". The aim of this must be to re-harness financial markets to facilitate
long-term productive investment so as to secure growth and widely shared
prosperity. There is a democratic deficit in the debate over financial
market reform. Governments must therefore establish as a priority a broad-based
Independent International Commission whose mandate is to report rapidly
on the institutional and policy changes needed to establish an effective
international regulatory framework. This should:-
- re-define the role and responsibilities of the Bank of International
Settlements (BIS), the IMF, World Bank, OECD and the Basle Committee on
Banking Supervision to implement a global system of governance for international
financial markets;
- review the role of the IMF and World Bank in particular as called
for by the UN's Copenhagen Summit for Social Development, so that structural
adjustment programmes promote good governance and respect for human rights,
increased employment and poverty reduction, and not austerity and blind
deregulation. The review should include the need for external support to
maintain or initiate spending on social safety nets in countries facing
difficulties. Similarly, the review should focus on the experience of countries
suffering from the policies of high interest rates that have compounded
the crisis of adjustment with major recessions;
- lay the foundations for the implementation of an international tax
on foreign exchange transactions;
- recognise the role of minimum deposit requirements to discourage short-term
speculative monetary inflows. The Multilateral Agreement on Investment
currently under negotiation at the OECD should include a general exemption
covering this;
- agree that the emerging reserve currency blocks of the Dollar, Yen
and Euro generate stable parities, along with the progressive removal of
current account deficits and surpluses;
- require the effective regulation of financial markets, and their certification
covering quantified and acceptable risks with capital standards and prudential
controls. Associated regulatory bodies must be effective, transparent and
accountable. Limits to the exposure of foreign currency liabilities should
be allowed, especially for institutional investors, notably pension funds;
- ensure that banking systems be transparent and bound by effective
disclosure criteria with satisfactory minimum reserve requirements.
A Social Dimension to the Global Trade and Investment System
10. Governments are extending their systems of national laws governing
intellectual property and investor rights to the global level. They must
now act decisively to enforce basic labour and human rights worldwide.
The Asian crisis and the debacle over the MAI have shown the failings of
allowing the social dimension of globalisation to be ignored. The Asian
crisis is a graphic example of the result of not keeping social progress
in line with economic development. The miracle years masked the failure
in many of the crisis countries to allow let alone encourage, democratic
trade unions to develop along with other participative institutions reflecting
a functioning civil society.
11. The OECD and G8 governments attending the WTO Ministerial meeting
must press for:-
- the inclusion of core labour standards as one of the subjects for
negotiation in any new round of WTO negotiations;
- practical measures to strengthen cooperation between the ILO and WTO;
- the consideration of core labour standards into trade policy reviews.
12. Urgent progress is also necessary at the ILO to establish a solid declaration
on fundamental workers' rights with an effective enforcement mechanism.
13. Governments must learn the lessons from the latest failure to meet
the deadline for the conclusion of negotiations on the Multilateral Agreement
on Investment (MAI). The fears of citizens of the effects of unbalanced
trade and investment liberalisation are real. A failure by governments
to recognise this will lead to a popular backlash against globalisation,
and in particular any future investment agreement. Any agreement must not
challenge the ability of government to regulate, nor lay governments open
to perverse claims of expropriation, nor should the effects of social or
industrial disputes be subject to such claims. Governments must be able
to maintain effective public services when delivered through not-for-profit
activities in such fields as health, social and educational services. Future
negotiations must agree, among other things, a binding clause in the MAI
that commits governments not to lower or not enforce domestic and internationally
agreed labour standards and environmental standards in order to attract
investment, and not just specific investments. Governments and the MAI
will be judged by whether the granting of legally binding rights and protection
for investors is matched by reciprocal rights for workers and for the protection
of the environment. These are key issues in the domestic debate on the
ratification of any emerging agreement.
A New Agenda for Employment and Social Inclusion
14. The 1997 OECD Labour Ministers' meeting, the 1997 European Union
Jobs Summit and the London G8 Jobs Conference each reflected a shift in
the debate on how to raise growth and how to translate this growth into
good quality employment, with more social inclusion and less inequality.
The era of driving for crude de-regulation of labour markets has passed
and the OECD Jobs Strategy follow-up must recognise this.
15. Adaptable labour markets are therefore necessary to encourage innovation,
facilitate investment in human capital throughout the workforce and working life, work against social exclusion and produce results which are both
efficient and fair, and which give workers confidence and security in the
change process. Trade unions are a key element in achieving this and are
ready to work with governments and employers if there is a positive agenda
for change. This requires integrated policies:-
- Entrepreneurship and a partnership for "socially responsible businesses".
The encouragement of entrepreneurship cannot be allowed to become synonymous
with an absence of necessary regulation, standards and sweat-shop labour.
Companies, irrespective of size must base their strategies for competitiveness
on establishing high performance and knowledge intensive workplaces through
technological innovation, changing work organisation based on higher and
more diversified skills of workers, and high trust relations within firms
and less hierarchy. Too few firms have followed such a path, too many remain
obsessed with short-term flexibility, characterised by "downsizing", "delayering"
and "outsourcing". Fear and insecurity are created in the workplace; training
is neglected and workers oppose change, rather than embrace it. Worker
involvement and the recognition and active involvement of trade unions
is necessary to bring about this "high route" to workplace change. Governments
can facilitate this. They should create a climate of security through a
guaranteed floor of employment rights. Through a combination of innovation
policy and incentives, they can encourage good practice in workplace change.
- The prevention of long-term unemployment. Active labour market
policies must be used to assist the unemployed back into work rapidly.
This must be based on providing opportunities not penalizing the victims.
They work best when there is high labour demand. They need to be proactive
- targeting retraining and job placement measures before change takes place
and before unemployment becomes long-term. Experience has shown that linking
employment services and training agencies and decentralised services works best. Trade union involvement in the design and implementation of policies
is essential.
- Implementing lifelong learning for all. If lifelong learning
is not just to remain an empty slogan, a social partnership involving trade
unions, employers, parents and teachers is necessary to implement lifelong
learning. There needs to be:-
- public investment in basic education to raise educational quality,
particularly for the underprivileged;
- continuous monitoring and improvement in educational practices;
- the widening of access to further and higher education and its
integration with adult education;
- the introduction of benchmarks for training and retraining in
- the involvement of trade unions in the design, monitoring, assessment
and promotion of systems to recognise work based qualifications and skills;
- the expansion of job rotation schemes between long-term unemployed
and workers wishing to take training leave;
- the setting up of training banks for small and medium sized
enterprises with the involvement of the social partners.
- Managing the organisation of working time and extension of learning
time. Productivity gains should be more widely distributed as a general
reduction in working hours so as to strengthen the link between growth
and job creation.