Texte français
February, 1996
Introduction and Summary
- Current production and consumption patterns are not sustainable, and
unless the industrialised countries take more concerted action to remove
the barriers to eco-efficiency the situation will worsen. The list of environmental
problems associated with the growth in production and consumption is increasing.
Air, water, and soil pollution all continue to threaten the earth's fragile
eco-system, making life intolerable in many parts of the world. Global
poverty and unemployment is meanwhile increasing in line with population growth. The working environment is also suffering and the number of workplace
accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses is rising at an alarming
- These developments must add to the sense of urgency for action to shift
production and consumption patterns onto a sustainable path. Yet, in many
areas action seems gridlocked. Falling growth rates, unemployment, widening
inequalities of wealth and competitive pressures make environmental change
more difficult, not easier. The momentum for change slows. The OECD countries
have a responsibility to overcome the obstacles to sustainable growth and
to lead the way in environmental stewardship. This is the most important
message that can be given to the non-OECD countries.
- Moving forward on the agenda for sustainable growth requires the OECD
countries to widen the policy approach beyond pollution control and abatement.
It is particularly important that policies for sustainable growth address
the social and employment effects of changing production and consumption
patterns. In particular, a common strategy of sustainable employment is
needed to show workers how sustainable production can achieve the "triple
dividend" of employment growth, environmental protection, and lasting
wealth creation.
- Shifting to sustainable production and consumption requires the active
involvement of the public and closer cooperation between industry, trade
unions, non-governmental organisations and government. A new "partnership
for change" needs to be developed. Trade unions have the experience
and expertise at the workplace, where enabling action by employers and
government can help them engage their membership in strategies of sustainable
production. Examples of good practice are appearing in collective agreements
and in company level initiatives in different OECD countries. However,
changes in environmental protection and management need to be extended
far beyond the "good practice" enterprises to the bulk of work
places. The trade union movement provides a unique channel for making progress.
- The OECD Ministerial meeting must both give a strong impulse to the
implementation of agreements already reached and to achieving action on
a forward-looking strategy for sustainable production and consumption.
The OECD should also act more as a catalyst for change internationally
and seek to develop its own environmental agreements of a binding nature.
The further integration of environmental policy instruments with economic
and social policies, and the strengthening of partnerships for change both
inside and outside the workplace must be central objectives. A strategy
of sustainable production and consumption should also be based on five
essential points :
| that basic environment standards and basic labour standards must not
be undermined by competitive pressure from the global trade and investment
system. The OECD Ministerial Meeting should give a clear signal to the
World Trade Organisation on this and countries should ratify and implement
Multilateral Environment Agreements (§ 68) ; |
| that policies for sustainable production and consumption should be
linked to a strategy for sustainable jobs which maximises the employment
gains and minimises the costs from environmental action. The OECD should
undertake a thematic review on "sustainable employment" (§ 9-14)
; |
| that the social costs and benefits of environmental protection and
management and in particular the use of economic instruments should be
fully assessed and any negative distribution and employment effects offset
on an equitable basis (§ 15-18) ; |
| that a new "partnership for change" includes strategies for
environmental management at the workplace which involve workers and their
trade union representative, and that effective participation is based on
the "right to know" and the "right to influence" (§ 19-24)
; and |
| that environmental strategies fully integrate work place health and
safety issues and ensure that these are not undermined by deregulation
(§ 25-27). |
Global Issues
- Global environmental problems now present a serious threat to the livelihoods
and health of future generations. The ozone layer is seriously damaged
and the International Panel on Climate Change has now concluded that global
warning is a reality. The OECD's work makes clear the need for preventative
action and coordinated policies to address the problems of trans-boundary
pollution and global resource depletion. This message is echoed by other
leading international organisations such as the Commission on Sustainable
Development and the United Nations Environment Programme, and by the international
trade union movement. However, progress in translating the agreements of
the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and Agenda
21 programme into action has been slow, and trade unions are concerned
that the necessary political momentum is lacking. A further strengthening
of cooperation among nations and new partnerships for sustainable growth
between the countries in the developed world and those in the "South"
is needed.
- As a result of the intensity of industrial production and consumption
in the industrialised world, OECD countries are responsible for much of
the world's pollution and resource use. The OECD countries therefore have
a lead responsibility in environmental stewardship, and must demonstrate
a greater willingness to help the developing countries adjust to the economic,
social, environmental, and health costs of costs of environmental protection.
It will not be possible to promote sustainable production in the non-OECD
countries without meeting basic social and economic development objectives.
Poverty and environmental degradation feed off each other. The OECD governments
thereby must do more to enable developing countries to combat poverty,
disease and social injustice and integrate the goal of sustainable development
into these strategies.
- The OECD has a central role to play in ensuring that multilateral environmental
agreements (MEAs) and targets relating to environmental protection and
trade are fully translated into national and local law. Failure to enforce
agreements and harmonise standards at the national/regional level has damaging
consequences in terms of both national and company competitiveness. As
global trade and investment pressures intensify it is all the more important
to ensure the highest OECD standards of environmental management are maintained,
and that competitive advantage is not gained at the cost of environmental
degradation. The OECD should work to ensure that progress is made in the
World Trade Organisation in advance of the Singapore Conference to guarantee
the effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms of MEAs. It is essential that
basic environmental standards and basic labour standards are protected
from competitive pressures in the global trade and investment systems.
Sustainable Employment
- Trade unions have long argued that policies for sustainable development
must go hand in hand with policies for sustainable employment. Faced with
the prospect of growing unemployment, growing insecurity at work and environmental
pressures for cleaner forms of production and distribution, trade unions
are looking towards more sustainable patterns of employment growth and
wealth creation.
- Whilst acknowledging that the pathways to sustainable development may
imply considerable adjustment problems in the short term, the trade unions
are firmly of the view that the net effect of sustainable development on
employment, working conditions and the quality of work will be positive.
However, urgent attention needs to be given to the analysis, anticipation
and mitigation of potentially negative distributional and employment effects
of environmental policies.
- There is not an inherent conflict or inevitable trade off between jobs
and the environment. The experience of trade unions is that jobs are more
at risk if employers fail to anticipate and adapt to change, and where
governments resist integrating environmental policies with labour market
strategies. Those countries and firms who will benefit most are those who
have strengthened the linkages between environmental policies and employment
and who have invested in pollution control, environmental technology, and
environmental skills training.
- The world market for environmental products and services is currently
worth over $250bn and is growing at 6-8% a year. The industry is already
a significant generator of jobs, and this could increase substantially
as world markets expand. However, the environmental industries in the majority
of OECD countries are underdeveloped and concentrate on "end of pipe"
technologies. The few countries with mature environmental industries are
those which have more stringent environmental legislation and requirements,
and where governments actively enforce environmental regulations and support
private investment for pollution abatement and control equipment through
public expenditures and public procurement. Much more can be done to stimulate
"green" job growth. Greater government support should be given
to the growth of the environmental technologies and services industry -
including green consumer products, renewable energies and environmental
- Trade unions have also been campaigning for increased public investment
in "green" public works programmes, especially in areas of high
unemployment and industrial decline. A number of OECD countries have launched
successful local and regionally based environmental clean-up and conservation
schemes targeted to provide opportunities for the young and long-term unemployed.
There are also precedents in the form of regional and structural funds
that, if directed towards environmental improvement, could create jobs
and improve the environment. However, the inability of governments to quantify
the societal benefits from public investment in projects which create employment
and improve the local environment remains a major barrier to the funding
of such schemes.
- The extent, and costs and benefits of the linkages between environmental
policies and employment need to be better understood and quantified, not
least to enable public policy makers to integrate their policy proposals
with a greater degree of certainty and precision. The OECD Jobs Study did
not deal with this issue but the opportunity should now not be lost in
the follow-up. The OECD should undertake a "Thematic Review"
on "Jobs and the Environment". This should investigate more fully
- the direct/indirect employment effects of more stringent environmental
regulations and standards, and the employment costs of failing or delaying
environmental improvements ;
- the employment opportunities and quality of employment in the environmental
technologies and services industry ;
- the "double dividend" potential available from "green"
public investment projects ;
- the macro/micro employment effects of substituting taxes on labour
with taxes on natural ressources ;
- the need to support environmental skills training and retraining ;
- the benefits of alternative methods of financial accounting which measure
better environmental externalities and thereby could give a higher premium
to "green" job creation.
Economic Instruments
- Intervention in markets through economic instruments, such as eco-taxes,
can provide a cost-effective market-based push to environmental protection.
However, they are not panaceas and need to be used in support of, and in
addition to, regulations and other policy tools based on the "polluter
pays principle". The use of economic instruments should allow prices
to more accurately reflect long-term resource costs and security of supply.
The lack of full cost accounting of resource inputs is a major barrier
to environmental improvement. A much more concerted effort by governments
is therefore needed to develop standardised accounting conventions which
quantify and measure environmental externalities.
- OECD work has shown that economic instruments can have significant
regressive social and distributive effects. A precondition for the use
of such instruments must be that the negative effects are calculated, and
fully offset by counteracting measures. The social costs of changes should
be shared equitably and the revenues gained from market-based measures
should be used to compensate for any regressive effects on income distribution
and for environmental purposes. The failure to implement socially acceptable
"flanking" policies seriously reduces the acceptability of economic
instruments. Full consultation with all those affected in the design and
monitoring of such instruments is therefore essential.
- Economic measures will also not have a desired effect unless environmentally/socially
acceptable substitutes for products and services are available which allow
a change in consumer's behaviour. This is particularly evident with regard
to transport policy where disincentives to private transport need to be
matched by an efficient, convenient and price competitive public transport
system. Governments also have a major responsibility to bring forward environmentally
desirable investments in areas such as public transport infrastructure.
Accurate consumer information and general awareness raising are also vital
to changing consumer behaviour, and trade unions have a shared objective
with business, government and non-governmental organisations to promote
sustainable patterns of consumption.
- TUAC welcomes the OECD's work on tax reform for substituting taxes
on labour with taxes on environmental resources and consumption. However,
eco-taxes are not a panacea and scepticism remains as to the feasibility
of wholesale tax switching. In particular, trade unions are concerned about
the negative employment and income effects of new taxes, their effect on
national competitiveness without multilateral agreements, the difficulties
of achieving "fiscal neutrality", and whether environmental resources
provide a long-term stable tax base. Despite these reservations it is recognised
that the present fiscal and regulatory systems often give perverse price
signals which restrict innovation and deter long-term environmental investments.
The overemphasis in financial decision-making on labour costs as opposed
to resource use is also an obstacle to sustainable production. It is important
therefore to examine more the effectiveness of tax programmes that have
been developed in certain OECD countries, and to explore the employment
aspects of eco-tax reform in more detail as already indicated.
Environmental Action at the Workplace
- As part of a wider "partnership for change" trade unions,
reflecting both the workplace and the wider interest of their members,
have a unique role to play in developing and implementing joint strategies
of sustainable production and consumption. The first step in engaging the
workforce must be for management to fully involve workers and their trade
union representatives. Dialogue between the social partners on workplace
initiatives all too often occurs at a time of crisis. In order to build
a relationship of trust and commitment discussions with trade unions on
workplace projects should start as early as possible and continue.
- Consensus will be lacking when decisions are made in secret or conflicting
information is produced. The "right to know" is essential for
active partnership and should extend from the workplace to individual consumers
and local community. In particular, workers and their trade union representatives
should have the right to know the environmental impact of the products
and processes they are using and producing, together with the right of
access to independent advice and the right to be consulted on the environmental
strategies and planning of their company. This in turn necessitates the
protection of "whistle blowers" within a company. In most OECD
countries trade unionists have the right in theory to refuse to undertake
work with potentially harmful health and safety effects, and to report
health and safety problems to the appropriate authorities without jeopardising
their contract of employment. Similar legal protection for workers and
their trade union representatives should be applied to workplace environmental
- For workers to contribute to solutions which can improve the environmental
performance of companies they have to be granted the rights and means to
participate, and not just obligations. The right to negotiate changes in
production and work organisation, and the right to propose changes and
not just react, form the foundations of green collective agreements and
the basis of trade union partnerships with employers. However, these basic
enabling rights will only be as effective as the extent to which they are
applied practically. One important focus for direct, practical trade union
involvement is on company eco-auditing, which has increased in almost all
OECD countries and is viewed by many companies as an effective means of
assessing and managing environmental performance. The confidence and cooperation
of the workforce is an essential requirement of any eco-audit, and trade
unions have an important contribution to make in the audit design, implementation
and report process. Trade unions also have an equally important role to
play in drawing up corporate environmental policy targets and objectives,
and in helping to set and monitor workplace eco-standards.
Trade Union Initiatives in Environmental Protection
In three years since Rio, environmental protection
has become a priority for the trade union movement and unions have broken
ground with initiatives which highlight the involvement of workers and
their unions. In the process, they have altered traditional workplace relations
and have expanded their role in the community. Cases such as the following
are illustrative of some of the breakthroughs :
| In Germany, chemical workers have concluded over
60 agreements that go beyond the mandate of works councils to provide workers
with information, training, participation, and even codetermination on
environmental matters. |
| In Zimbabwe, an initiative by two public sector
unions with assistance of the ILO involved communities in an extensive
process of social research and social dialogue directed at environmental
problems and services. Follow-up activities with local authorities, government
and NGO's are providing the basis for problem-solving and future programmes.
| An Eco-Audit project carried out in 10 tourist
enterprises in Finland illustrated the efficacy of the eco-audit mechanism
for promoting objectives of sustainable development. It showed how economic
efficiencies can be achieved through proper environmental management that
involves employees and their trade unions. |
| In the U.S.A., the Laborers' International Union
have developed a model for training and partnerships with contractors and
government agencies for projects related to hazardous material removal,
which is now being applied to Central and South America and Central and
Eastern Europe. |
| In Sweden, the white-collar national trade union
centre has launched the "6E", a guide for integrating considerations
relating to the ecology and the work environment in everyday decision-making
by everyone involved in the enterprise. |
| The Australian Council of Trade Unions has joined
with the country's leading environmental organization to initiate a nation-wide
program of partnership with industry, governments and the community to
identify and develop "green" jobs that either benefit the environment
directly, or provide a less harmful alternative to current practices.
| On an international level, the ICFTU has been
actively working with NGO's and international agencies on specific campaigns
that link health, safety and the environment in such areas as chemicals,
eco-auditing, child labour, toys, and international standards. It is working
with international business groups at the CSD, to highlight the role of
the workplace partners in meeting Agenda 21 objectives. |
Source: International Confederation of Free Trade
Unions (ICFTU) preparatory material for forthcoming CSD meeting.
- Many multinational companies take a positive approach to green collective
bargaining and actively encourage trade union participation. However, trade
unions have been dismayed to find that in some OECD countries multinational
companies have been unwilling to involve the trade unions to the same extent
as they have at plants in other countries. The reason often given for this
is that the industrial relations climate in certain countries does not
encourage trade union involvement on environmental issues. In addressing
this problem the trade unions are seeking to ensure that trade union involvement
is replicated in all of a multinational company's sites whatever their
location, and that common guidelines apply. The emergence of European and
international works' councils will help facilitate this and promote the
spread of best practice. The incorporation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational
Enterprises (which has an environmental chapter) into the Multilateral
Agreement on Investment currently being negotiated in the OECD is essential.
The OECD in cooperation with the ILO should undertake a survey of green
bargaining within multinational enterprises with a view to establishing
guidelines and minimum requirements for the involvement of workers and
their trade union representatives on environmental issues.
- Trade unions, business and government have a shared responsibility
to raise health and safety and environmental awareness among employees.
In most OECD countries government "green" education and awareness
raising campaigns ignore the workplace dimension and focus on individuals
as citizens in their role as consumers, rather than workers. Education
and information initiatives by companies, meanwhile, are largely aimed
at management or for general public consumption, and are all too often
merely public relations exercises.
- Trade unions in all the OECD countries provide information and educational
materials and courses for their officials and members, and are aware of
the need to do more. In a period of recession, rising unemployment and
in some cases employers' hostility this is not easy. However, few OECD
governments actively support trade union "green" education and
training programme, and in most OECD countries trade unionists do not have
rights of absence (as they have with health and safety matters) to attend
education/training courses on environmental issues. Building on health
and safety rights, workers and their trade union representatives should
have the right to training and retraining on environmental issues, particularly
where environmental actions affect the pattern of work.
Integrating Environment and Health and Safety
- Whilst environmental problems are not exclusive to the workplace, the
interaction between the working and living environments extends to almost
every sector of the economy and is at the heart of environmental management
strategies. Action to reduce pollutants and hazards at the workplace, for
example, has a positive impact on both the health and safety of workers
and the local environment. Companies are beginning to recognise the crucial
link between the working and living environments, and some of the large
firms in "high risk" sectors are seeking to integrate health
and safety policies with environmental management programmes. However,
OECD governments have been slow to appreciate the importance of health
and safety to pollution control, and are often resistant to using existing
health and safety regulations and mechanisms to help with environmental
monitoring and inspection.
- The trade unions have played a major role in developing joint workplace
strategies which combine systems and procedures aimed at reducing pollution
with the very best health and safety standards. However, the trade unions
are concerned that attention to health and safety at work is sometimes
compromised by environmental protection, and that resources are at risk
of being diverted away from hazards prevention. Given the growth of workplace
accidents and injuries in the OECD countries since the mid-1980s and the
continued increase in the number of hazardous chemicals and materials,
it is vital that improvements in environmental management are not made
at the expense of workplace health and safety. An integrated and coordinated
partnership approach to environmental protection is needed, which should
build on the joint experience of management and trade unions in the field
of occupational health and safety. The OECD should expand its work on hazards
prevention and seek to develop guidelines and best practice on the integration
of health and safety with environmental management and other risk management
systems and practices. The TUAC welcomes the objective expressed in the
OECD's Health and Safety Programme to improve partnerships with industry,
trade unions and environmental groups and is ready to play an active part
in this.
- The increase in workplace accidents and occupational injuries/disease
is deeply disturbing. The OECD should therefore seek as a matter of urgency
to implement the very best health and safety standards throughout the OECD
countries. The OECD's Guiding Principles on the Prevention of Chemical
Accidents should be strengthened and enforced. TUAC also strongly supports
the need for the OECD to continue with its risk assessment and reduction
programme for chemicals. Every effort should be made to secure a binding
agreement to control chemical risks. Direct international regulations or
negotiated agreements with producers should be based on the "precautionary"
and "right to know" principles, and where substitutions of a
chemical is proposed, a comparable assessment of the proposed substitutes
should be carried out.