Texte en français
May 1999
Globalisation: the Need for a New Policy Direction
1. Financial markets have made some recovery since the near meltdowns
of 1998. However, the legacy of the financial crisis is slowed growth and
recession. Thirty percent of the world economy is now in recession, and
the World Bank is predicting that global growth in 1999 is to be the lowest
since 1982. In Russia, the transition has further faltered and more than
one third of the labour force remains unpaid. In Brazil, financial markets
have been stabilised but only at the cost of a recession whose depth and
duration remain uncertain. Japan is mired in recession while the European
Union is experiencing slower growth and performing well below capacity.
Only the United States has a buoyant economy.
2. Fundamental questions remain as to how long this fragile situation
can continue. Having the US economy act as the single locomotive for the
world economy poses huge risks. If that locomotive were to stall, the global
economy would quickly be plunged into deep depression. Governments must
recognise these risks and act rapidly to stimulate balanced growth so as
to diversify the sources of expansion operating within the world economy.
3. A fundamental cause of the financial and economic crisis that has
unfolded over the last two years has been the blinkered pursuit of financial
liberalisation without the development of adequate national and international
frameworks of regulation. The resulting widespread capital flight has destabilised
the world economy. The austerity policies forced on the countries affected
have wreaked havoc domestically and cut world demand growth. At the same
time, by persistently ignoring the social consequences of trade and capital
liberalisation, policy-makers risk provoking a backlash against globalisation.
4. The response of the leading economies and international institutions
must be to draw the correct lessons from the crisis and establish a new
direction for public policy governing global markets. There is an urgent
need to reinforce the transparency and democratic accountability of both
governments and institutions. The OECD Ministerial Council and the Cologne
G8 Summit are opportunities to give impetus to this new direction. In particular,
governments must:
- take concerted measures to restore balanced demand growth in the world
economy to ward off the risk of deflation (§5-11);
- write-off both multilateral and bilateral debts of the poorest developing
countries on the condition of their respect for basic human rights (§8);
- build on the principles set out at the Washington G8 Labour Ministers
Conference to develop broad-based social safety nets on a global basis
- establish an International Commission of enquiry on the system of
regulation which is required to govern international financial markets
- move decisively in advance of the Seattle WTO Ministerial Council
to ensure that the global trade and investment system and the International
Financial Institutions reinforce the work of the ILO to guarantee core
labour standards (§17-19);
- initiate at OECD and G8 levels an employment dialogue with the social
partners to agree on a socially acceptable approach to labour market adaptability
- build a social and employment dimension to sustainable development
Expand Global Demand
5. In the wake of the Asian crisis the global economy faces a serious
risk of deflation and a further surge in unemployment. The explosion in
the US trade deficit introduces a new source of financial instability.
Central Banks and Finance Ministers in the OECD countries must counteract
this by concerted measures to support balanced demand growth and so relaunch
growth and job creation.
6. Economic expansion in Europe is vital since Europe represents
approximately thirty percent of world economic activity. In addition, the
areas economic activity remains well below a level which can and must
be sustained in order to reduce unemployment and meet Europes responsibility
in the world economy. The recent reduction in interest rates by the European
Central Bank is welcome though real rates are still too high. Their belated
reduction also reflects the deficiencies in the post-Economic and Monetary
Union framework for economic decision-making. It is essential to ensure
that demand growth matches supply potential, so that structural weaknesses
can also be tackled. A European level budgetary policy capacity must be
developed to complement the single monetary policy.
7. Radical action needs to be continued to stimulate domestic demand
in Japan. Permanent tax cuts and secure pension arrangements are
necessary for all working families, but notably for those on lower incomes
so that they are given confidence to consume goods and services.
8. The G8 and OECD governments should now write off bilateral debts
of the poorest developing countries and allow the
international financial institutions to raise sufficient finance to do
likewise. This would be an appropriate response to the public sentiment
which has been manifested through the Jubilee 2000 coalition. The write-off
should be conditional on the respect of basic human rights including labour
rights by the countries concerned.
9. Crisis countries in both Asia and Latin America must
be given the means to expand domestic demand and help restore growth in
the global economy. The stabilisation programmes agreed with the IMF must
shift from austerity to support for growth. Back wages due to Russian workers
must now be paid, allowing some relief from the vicious circle which has
led to lost tax revenue and prolonged the financial crisis. Much of the
burden has fallen on women, who in the absence of adequate social safety
nets carry most of the burden of keeping families together and caring for
the young and elderly on drastically reduced household incomes.
10. Growth-oriented policies in the crisis countries must be backed
up by financial assistance for poverty alleviation and the development
of broadly defined social security systems. The World Bank has now published
its Social Code, which must be supported. The Washington G8 Labour Ministers
Conference of February 1999 laid out the elements of such an approach:
international support for developing, transition and emerging economies
must be targeted on the countries worst affected by the crisis and the
most vulnerable people in those countries. The priorities are:
- protecting education and health budgets, ensuring that the poorest
are able to keep their children at school and have access to essential
- creating and expanding social safety nets to ensure that the under-employed
and jobless have a satisfactory income on which to live, and extending
ILO-backed programmes to eradicate child labour;
- boosting employment intensive public works schemes and extending training
and job search programmes;
- restraining prices of essential goods and maintaining the purchasing
power of minimum wages;
- developing sound industrial relations systems, through the promotion
of tripartite dialogue between governments, employers and unions, based
on respect for the ILOs core labour standards.
11. Governments face the challenge of maintaining a sound tax base for
public finances against a background of globalisation. The failure to adequately
tax capital income and profits has led to an erosion of the tax base and
a disproportionate shift of the tax burden onto labour. The shift from
income to consumption taxes has made systems more regressive. International
agreements are needed to ensure balanced taxation of capital and profits,
so that public support for fair tax systems can be maintained.
The International Financial System - Market Regulation
12. The recent crisis has revealed the fault lines in the international
financial system. Mistakes by financiers and bankers now have direct impact
on the lives of millions of working families. Reconfiguring the international
financial architecture has become a key task. Thus far the official response
to successive financial market crises has been to take initiatives to improve
transparency and surveillance. This is undoubtedly necessary, but it does
not address the root cause of the problem. There is no evidence that inadequate
transparency and surveillance caused the recent crises. However, there
is evidence that lenders failed to use much information that was available.
The 1980s Saving & Loan crisis in the U.S. and the 1990s Scandinavian
banking crisis both show that financial crises can occur in transparent
and well regulated systems. The lesson is that ensuring stability in the
international financial system requires bolder steps. Restoring long-term
growth will require a fundamental reconstruction of the way governments,
through the network of international financial institutions and organisations
regulate and manage the global market, and especially financial markets.
The aim must be to re-harness financial markets to facilitate long-term
productive investment.
13. Yet, the debate has been held behind closed doors by bankers and
finance ministry officials without the formal input from trade unions and
civil society. The G7s newly created Financial Stabilisation Forum to
be convened by the Chair of the Bank for International Settlements, includes
G7 officials and representatives of private finance and banks. Yet again
this is a closed club. Regulation is too important to be left to the regulators.
Governments must therefore establish a broad-based Independent International
Commission mandated to report rapidly on the international regulation framework
now needed. As an initial step the Financial Stability Forum must hold
public hearings and consultations.
14. Necessary measures include:
- improved fiscal and monetary policy co-ordination both at regional
level and between the emerging reserve currency blocks of the Dollar, Yen
and Euro to ensure that exchange rates reflect economic fundamentals, rather
than speculative operations, and lead to the progressive removal of large
long-term current account deficits and surpluses;
- recognition of the right of governments to control short term foreign
capital inflows and outflows in the interest of domestic macro-economic
and social stability;
- the international taxation of foreign exchange transactions to reduce
speculative currency flows;
- binding international standards for the prudential regulation of financial
markets covering capital reserve standards, limits to short-term foreign
currency exposure, controls and certification on derivatives trading and
other forms of leveraged investment built on credit;
- improved information on currency flows, private debts and reserves.
15. The IMFs stewardship of the global economy has caused widespread
concern. The crisis has also shown the folly of moves to amend IMF articles
to promote full capital account convertibility. The IMFs initial policy
recommendations in East Asia and Brazil exacerbated the economic downturn
by erring on the side of excessive stringency and austerity in countries
which did not have fundamental macroeconomic imbalances. Reform of the
IMF is now needed as called for by the UNs Copenhagen Summit for Social
Development. Future programmes should promote good governance, employment
growth and poverty reduction, rather than austerity. Regular (Article 4)
country missions of the IMF must now meet with trade union representatives
on a regular basis.
16. Side by side with improvements to the system of international financial
governance there is a need for better standards of corporate governance.
The Principles on Corporate Governance to be adopted by the OECD Ministers
represent a package of rights for all stakeholders. Promotional efforts,
including outreach work must be undertaken to reflect this. Action must
also be stepped up to combat bribery and corruption on the basis of the
OECD instruments, and implemented in co-operation with trade unions as
well as business.
Changing the social face of globalisation
17. The crisis has demonstrated the danger of ignoring the social dimension
of globalisation. This provoked a broad-based backlash against the trading
and investment system itself, and derailed attempts to negotiate what would
have been an unbalanced MAI at the OECD. Any future rules governing these
systems must incorporate binding social and environmental responsibilities
to accompany any rights, whether conferred on countries or companies. The
1999 Seattle WTO Ministerial meeting to launch a new round of negotiations
will provide the first real test. A broad-based round must be designed
to promote employment and to improve living standards in developed and
developing countries alike rather than to deregulate markets and intensify
competitive forces. Along with environmental concerns, future negotiations
must include the promotion of core labour standards and their incorporation
in trade policy reviews and establish an appropriate WTO body. Practical
measures should be taken to strengthen the co-operation between the ILO
and WTO. Anything less than this would put in danger the necessary public
support for the implementation of any agreed outcomes.
18. Financial, economic and social stability are inter-linked. Stabilisation
policies which bear unfairly on workers will lead to social destabilisation.
They will ultimately fail and further undermine the credibility of the
IMF and World Bank. Social dialogue between governments, trade unions,
and employers is also necessary to build consensus over social and economic
development goals and means of action. Strong social institutions, including
trade unions, are indispensable for the development of human resources
and the mediation of disputes over the allocation of resources. The new
architecture for global financial stability and sustainable development
must include the social code as developed by the G8 and World Bank.
19. The Bretton Woods Institutions and the Regional Development Banks
must make country adoption of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles
and Rights at Work a part of their standard operating requirements. To
qualify for ongoing adjustment assistance, countries must abide by and
enforce core labour standards. Finance ministers and the international
financial institutions must break with the traditional mould whereby implementing
labour standards are viewed as the sole province of labour ministers. Such
standards are needed to ensure that labour markets produce an appropriate
distribution of income that can then support real economic development
founded upon the expansion of domestic markets. They are also needed to
create the counter-vailing political powers that can stop corruption; a
phenomenon, which has distorted the development process and undermined
the allocative efficiency and stability of financial markets. The OECD
Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises should be updated to cover all
core labour standards. For them to be meaningful, however, the current
Review must ensure that they have an effective implementation mechanism.
A G8 Employment Dialogue
20. Transforming sustained demand growth into job creation and falling
unemployment requires action to develop adaptable labour markets and a
synchronisation of both the demand and supply side of economies. The country
by country monitoring of the OECD Jobs Strategy has become narrowly focused
on labour market deregulation, which has become synonymous with weakening
trade unions and dismantling wage bargaining structures, reducing workers
employment protection and penalising the unemployed. A new approach is
needed. In the global economy competitive advantage will lie with those
countries that have strong social cohesion built on investment in education
and training, health-care and a sound industrial relations system founded
on strong trade unions. The most successful countries, both developed and
developing, will be those with institutions that are able to balance and
rebalance the market pressures of flexibility and dynamism with the social
pressures for security and dignity. People must be entitled to have a voice
on their employment conditions and economic development.
21. There is consensus among G8 and OECD governments that investment
in human capital is a key to the future. However, much more has to be done
on ways of financing life-long learning, which builds human capital through
investments by enterprises, individuals and the public sector. Identifying
effective responses, within each country, to questions of public and private
financing of education and training can be achieved only by building partnerships
through which education and labour ministries co-operate with trade unions
and employers.
22. In Europe a process is now underway to implement the targets for
employment issues set out in the 1997 Luxembourg Summit. At G8 and OECD
levels trade unions are also ready to enter into dialogues with governments
and business to manage economic change. The areas for potential agreement
- translating lifelong learning into reality by upgrading workers skills
and reforming education systems;
- producing coherence between systems of social benefits, minimum wages
and pay structures to remove poverty and facilitate labour market integration;
- ensuring the effectiveness of active labour market programmes to assist
the groups and regions at risk;
- integrating youth and women into the labour market;
- harnessing technological change, stimulating inclusive approaches
to innovation and promoting socially acceptable forms of work organisation.
23. Restoring demand and employment growth must take place within the
framework of sustainable development as agreed in the social, environmental
and economic pillars of Agenda 21 of the Rio Conferences. The social objectives
of mitigating employment displacement and ensuring equity must be at the
centre of strategies to implement sustainable development. This calls for
joint action by Labour, Finance and Environment Ministers and their respective
international organisations in which the OECD can be the catalyst. The
overall purpose of a sustainable development strategy should be to secure
the participation of workers and their trade unions in needed changes to
the world's unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. Without
this engagement, targets for change will continue to experience limited
success. Employment transition must secure the confidence of workers that
their livelihood will not be lost, despite structural change.
24. Preventing a global slump and building the foundations for recovery
and sustainable development is a challenge to the leadership of the worlds
major democracies in the industrialised and developed world. Globalisation
is man-made and is not a force of nature, even if at the present time it
often gives the appearance of being out of control. The real question facing
the international community is: does the political will exist to build
international policies and institutions to manage the process of globalisation
to meet the needs and aspirations of people?
This statement has been prepared by the Trade Union Advisory
Committee to the OECD (TUAC) in co-operation with our partner organisations,
notably the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the
World Confederation of Labour (WCL) and the European Trade Union Confederation